Sunday, 2 November 2014

Dear Autumn...

I thought I would write you a letter. Over this past month Carrie Hope Fletcher has been writing you letters everyday, which I have really enjoyed watching and it has made me want to write to you.

Autumn you are one of my favourite times of the year, I can bring out the jumpers and wrap up tightly like having a constant hug from my fluffy coat. The colours you bring are so warm and comforting and the chill in the air brings hope of Christmas! However this year when you have rolled around you brought with you some of the biggest changes of all.

Yes Autumn not only have you changed the leaves in to glowing colours but I have had changes in my life that have left me glowing too. Being a uni has been extremely daunting however, I am beginning to find my way. I have met some amazing people who I can now call my friends and even experienced things I never thought I would do at uni, like walking through the Dales at 2am. And even though you have brought Freshers Flu it has given me the chance to cuddle up in bed with a cup of tea and relax something I don't really get the chance to do. So thanks!

However your cold chill, has also reminded me of home and the people who I miss. But the promise of Christmas also brings the promise of family, log burners and Chirstmas baking!

When your cold hearted counter part comes round, I would like to keep the warmness you bring to my day, so I may be writing to Christmas throughout December!

So for now Autumn, as your final leaves fall, we must say our goodbyes till next year, when I hope I will have more to thank you for!

emily xx